The Quiet Treehouse

We were proud to be asked to machine the parts for 'The Quiet Treehouse'.

Suspended above the ground 26 huge laminated timber ribs surrounded the treehouse like the canopy of an ancient tree. Each of the 6m high timber ribs was finished with a unique and sustainable timber product called Kebony, a sustainable alternative to tropical hardwood. Kebony was a fitting choice for the treehouse because of its strength and environmental credibility. It’s organic and natural beauty meant that it looked fantastic amongst the stunning array of gardens on display at the RHS show.

At ground level, three primary trunks formed from 48 interlocking ‘Medite Tricoya’ timber fins supported the cocoon-like creation. Besides being weather proof and durable, Medite Tricoya can be easily machined and painted. Each of the fins has been stained dark brown to match the external cladding of the building, reflecting the natural bark of trees.

The interior of the treehouse is warm and comfortable, finished with a combination of a beautiful John Lewis Coir carpet and premium grade Cedar lining giving the building a light, natural and luxurious feel as well as a lovely woody smell. There are a total of 8 floor to ceiling windows to give the room a bright and spacious feeling. A contemporary kitchenette & island mean you never have to go far for some refreshment.

The development of The Quiet Treehouse is just the beginning of the story for this unique structure. To give the project real and lasting value all the partners / sponsors have collaborated to ensure that The Quiet Treehouse will ultimately be donated to The Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice in West Sussex. The treehouse will provide the children and their families with a safe and stimulating environment in which to play, relax and share time together.

The Quiet Treehouse Project in Tricoya & Acoya
The Quiet Treehouse Project in Tricoya & Acoya
The Quiet Treehouse Project in Tricoya & Acoya